Some people have countless thoughts about what is important on a date and what you should definitely plan in advance. You can actually say that you can’t plan a date at all. There are always very different situations that can arise and it is much more important to react to them spontaneously. If you make good decisions here, then the date will be really nice. So it’s not the planning that counts, but what you make of the situation. Well, let’s indulge in a bit of spontaneity. Together now when you call me? My name is Nikki, I am an erotic lady and you can arrange an appointment with me at the house, hotel or office in a private room via Escort Girls Berlin Sex to spend intimate hours. There are also other excellent international escort girls from all over the world, they will seduce you from head to toe.
Nikki can be contacted at
Tel.: 0152 22 03 66 54
Go to Website ↗
Age: 23
Breast: 75 B
Waist: 34
Height: 165
Hair colour: Blonde
Body hair: Hairless
Origin: Estonia
Spoken languages: English
Extra (extra charge)
Golden Shower: 10 €
Dildo games (passive): 10 €
Kissing with tongue: 20 €
Lesbian games: 40 €
Special oil massage: 15 €
Cum on body: 10 €
Feet erotic: 10 €
Domina: 30 €
Egg-Licking: 15 €
Roleplaying Special: 20 €
Service Inclusive:
Change positions; Stroking and petting; on request straps and high heels; French with her; Traffic (also several times); Hand relaxation; House, hotel or office